looks like we will be continuing on in a day or two...
meanwhile, thinking back on the days at Pine Flat:
i was making coffee at sunrise at Pine Flat...
sis went for water and to find some more wood
to add to the fire, she was gone for some time
then i spotted her coming up the hill. she had a
big oak branch, a jug of water and in her hat,
some fresh picked greens
she called it miner's lettuce - it grows low to the
ground in shady damp spots, it has a bright green
round leaf with a hint of a flower where the stem
meets the leaf - she had picked handfuls

she rinsed them and put them in our bowls, drizzled
some seasoned rice vinegar and olive oil on them
and added a pinch of sea salt
at that moment, i had never tasted anything better
in my life! the rush i got from the chlorophyll was
amazing and our tongues turned bright green!
i want to find out the botanical name....
ok, it's "Montia perfoliata"
Hah very cool! Sounds tasty!