Our camp hosts... they are SO cute.
our trip has been blessed with people like this... they were
so kind and supportive...

The view from my tent...
sis has deluxe accommodations... i inherited her single-person tent.
it's cozy, not quite water-proof, but it's better than what i had
before, so i am grateful...

Mushroom detail
no, we did not "try" any of the mushrooms.
we both expressed regret at the lack of knowledge
between us regarding botany. cool drops, though,
artwork totally by mother nature.

The incredible mushroom.
Hope you are happy where you are, Terence McKenna...

Our campfire.
the whole fire thing is so ingrained symbolically...
camp is always so much better with the fire, however
campers are expected to bring own wood in most places
we have been, and that's kinda tough when our auto is
packed full of stuff...

The woodpecker had all his nuts pointy side in this pole.
excuse ME?
I just found your blog & wished I had known about it sooner. I live less then an hour from Pine Flat & am a fellow Case's member. Would have love to spent a day or two with you and to give my support to the four of you for your journey!