Welcome to Camp Pussy
Sunrise around 7am, sis been in her car with heat on
and off since 4:30... and she thought she was the tough
We are at the Merced River, long ago a flood plain for
the Central Valley, inhabited by tribes in the summer
after waters receded and alive with birds, wildlife.
We stayed two nights because one night per spot is a little
much, what with tent set up, fire building, etc
So we packed up and headed to the closest Starbuck's
wifi to research our next stop... we find it is necessary
to cross-reference our books and maps with internet
because not every source material is accurate. Once
we find a place ahead that sounds good, we check it on
google earth to make sure we can see roads and trees
and, preferably, water.
We are looking for a place that will shelter us from now
until Wednesday, when it looks like there may be rain...
we have positioned ourselves so that when it clouds up,
we can be in Lemoore at Leo's to wait out any inclement
weather... a few days there will give us time to figure out
where to go next... probably towards the desert.

So, who was that, got up at 4:30am and started their car at the campground? Camp Pussy did, you d'camp pussy? When your bones are so cold that you can't even sit still and you can't build a fire in the dark, you go warm up the car... Start d'car! Warm that sucker up and you can finally thaw out and relax, dang, frozen fucking fog? I be d'camp pussy, in d'car. When the leaves crunch when you walk on them and your tears of laughter are making ice cubes on your eyelashes, you'd be d'camp pussy too. Burn some petrol and warm up or else you be d'ignorant camp pussy and I'd much rather be a warm pussy than clenched up frozen pussy. The sun is coming up and warming everything on this magnificent day, but not soon enough for my pussy dog and me. We're somewhere near the Merced River with all the ducks and geese. Not many campers out this weekend, pussies.