well, the house has been empty for two weeks now....
sis and i and the dogs have been staying here at
the invitation of an angel, one of the first on our journey,
our landlord - seriously, the world could do better with
more people like him in it
it is still dark outside - sis and i are having coffee and
waiting for daylight to pack up the cars...
i have butterflies in my stomach and i still need to
figure out how to replace a headlight bulb, but other
than that, it's time to move...
the weather forecast looks like 5 days of clear skies - it will
be cold at night, but nothing like other areas of the country.
thank goodness i have a fluffy dog to keep my toes
warm when sleeping...
we have already experienced little miracles and
manifestations while this departure day approached...
certain people stopped by at certain times with the
perfect solutions and bearing appropriate tokens of love,
like a thermal tarp and a flashlight that is powered
by a charge built up with hand cranking (no batteries)
and an air mattress; not only that, but during our
cleaning out phase, as we set things on the porch,
the perfect person would come by who wanted it -
we did not have to pay to dispose of anything or arrange
for trucks or pay for ads - people just came by.
special encounters almost brought me to tears, like the
neighbor who got my angel candleholder for his wife
who was home sick, to make her feel better and the
little girl to whom i gave a little tea party set and the
young woman whose eyes lit up when she saw my
selection of colored glass for making windows and
the mommy who was taking some crystals and rocks
home to her little boy who has started to collect and the
old grampa man who wanted a wooden wine box as
a coffin for his old cat who was about to die... - the
list goes on and on - how many people have a garage
sale and end up hugging every other person that stops by?
the point is this, for me anyway: get aligned with your
purpose, make decisions based on love, do the right
thing at any given moment and it is amazing how the
road opens up in front of you, coincidences happen,
synchronicity happens, there are signals to be noticed
and a quiet inner strength develops
and let's not forget to mention the FUN!