Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year's Day 2009

Happy New Year, everyone.
I am almost done with the last of my sorting and packing.
What remains to be given away or donated isn't much...
how fortunate we have been to have the "right" people
show up at the "right" time. Some of our most valued
possessions, the things infused with lots of our attention
and happiness, are something special now to the special
people in our lives - a whole new sense of appreciation
is created. Cool.
Mr Kitty is already in his new home - he is now Mr. City Kitty.
We had a long conversation. He understood that he would
be more comfortable with my son, who raised him from a kitten.
I already miss him. He made me laugh every day...
I have a list of last minute errands to do tomorrow. But right
now, this very minute, it could not be much better. I am
so excited about this journey, I can't wait to see what happens.
When people ask where we are going, they are always
so surprised to hear that we don't know. I do know that
Big Sur is calling, I feel the place needs some healing energy
to come back after the recent fire... we'll see which way the
current is flowing.
1st lesson learned: throw schedules, plans and expectations out the window.

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